About the founder of allthegood…
I am a communications professional living in the New York City metro area. I spent nearly two decades as a NYC-based broadcast reporter and anchor covering business news and the markets for U.S. and international news outlets.
allthegood emerged after hearing the early reports of Italians singing from their balconies and GM’s CEO Mary Barra stepping up and offering to make ventilators. I felt an instinctive urge to aggregate all of the positive stories in one spot so that people wouldn’t have to wade through the negative headlines to hear about the positive ones.
I’m a huge believer in the concept of ‘what you focus on expands’. I hope this site can be a place where people can recharge and infuse themselves with what’s good in the world - where you can focus on the good to let it expand in your life.
Jeanne Yurman
allthegood.net is your oasis of good news amid the crisis.
The coronavirus has sprung into our lives, fiercely upending all that we know.
But there are gifts buried in this chaos.
allthegood.net was created to provide one place to hear about all of the best and brightest moments happening on a daily basis in the wake of this mess - good things that are growing out of acts of humanity and leadership by people, businesses and organizations around the world.
This is your place to be reminded of the gifts that exist in even the darkest circumstances.
“The next evolutionary step for humankind is to move from human to kind.”
— Anonymous